Artistic Gymnastics. Story Telling of-Here and Now, 2022, mixed media (two modified compasses on two tripods, two carpets, two clocks), E TRALLERALLERA, Art on paper, Lugano, ph. Cosimo Filippini

Artistic Gymnastics. Rosa dei venti, dispositivo binario di disorientamento navigante, 2022, ink jet print on fabric, 150x100 cm

Artistic Gymnastics. Racconti di giornata nel rimpianto delle foto mai scattate (guardare il pendolo di profilo),  2022, ink jet print on aluminum , 40x30 cm, edited in three copies 

Artistic Gymnastics. Libro del qui ed ora, 2021, poster, edition in a limited 50 copies, 70x50 cm

Artistic Gymnastics. Ambiguo cardinale in fronte (Lana), 2019, two modified compasses on two tripods (detail), ph. Luca Scarabelli

Artistic Gymnastics. Seduta cardinale (Prato), 2019, two modified compasses on two chairs found on site, ph. Ermanno Cristini

Artistic Gymnastics. Doppio ambiguo cardinale (Kunsthalle Kcc), 2018, four modified compasses on on base found on site, ph. Luca Scarabelli

Artistic Gymnastics. Alternatore di disorientamento, 2018, 3D print on hemp

Artistic Gymnastics. Seduta cardinale (Blenio), 2018, two modified compasses on on two benches found on site, ph. Lorenzo Baldi

Artistic Gymnastics. Prière de Toucher on mute map for D., 2015, two modified compasses on wooden support and aluminium plateon on work table of Loredana Longo, Studi Festival, Milan, 2017, ph. Vanessa Lopes Alvares

Artistic Gymnastics. Prière de Toucher on mute map for D., 2015, two modified compasses on wooden support and aluminium plate, ph. Ermanno Cristini