"Questa del respiro è una questione che mi sta occupando da oltre un anno e che ha preso l’avvio in occasione di una mostra a CASABIANCA a Bologna, è rimbalzata in forme diverse prima a PLATFORMA, il project-space del MNAC di Bucharest, poi in Fessure al MIDEC di Laveno, più di recente entro Dialogos Parte II al CACT-MACT di Bellinzona e da ultimo nella tappa Roaming. Riposizionamenti, presso l’Ex Archivio di Harald Szeemann a Maggia. Nel frattempo, “respirando”, sono nati una serie di altri lavori. Non so bene perché sia iniziato questo interesse per il respiro ma accade sempre così “che non si sa mai bene perché”. Certamente è una ulteriore conferma del mio bisogno di attenzione per l’infinitamente piccolo e per l’evanescente, nella consapevolezza del fatto che lì stia l’”essenza”. Non è un caso che dal pneuma dei greci allo spirito del cristianesimo il respiro sia un centro al punto di identificarsi con la vita stessa. E non è un caso che nella cultura orientale, secondo il Sutra Anapanasati per esempio, in una visione che non distingue tra mente e corpo, la consapevolezza del corpo passa proprio attraverso la messa in atto del principio stesso della respirazione, l’atto di inspirare ed espirare.”

Da: Respiri, RISS(E), VARESE, 2014,
con Patrizia Giambi e un contributo di Alessandro Castiglioni


"That of breathing is a matter that I am engaged in since more than two years and that has begun with an exhibition at CASABLANCA, in Bologna. Then it has been the focus of other exhibitions: at PLATFORM, the project-space connected to the MNAC in Bucharest, in Fessure at the MIDEC in Laveno, more recently in Dialogos Part Two at the CACT-MACT in Bellinzona and lastly during Roaming. Riposizionamenti at the Ex Szeemann Archive in Maggia. In the meantime, by breathing, series of other works have arisen. I do not know exactly why and where my interest for breathing originated, but it is always the same, we always ‘do not know exactly why’. Certainly it is an additional demonstration of my need to turn my attention to what is infinitely small and to what is evanescent, being aware that the essence is right there. It is no coincidence that starting from the Greek pneuma and coming until the Christian spirit, breathing is a focus tending to identify with life itself. And it is not by chance that in the oriental culture, for example according to the Sutra Anapanasati, within a view that does not  distinguish mind from body, the awareness of body passes through the action of breathing itself, through the act of breathing in and breathing out."

From: Respiri, RISS(E), VARESE, 2014,
with Patrizia Giambi and a contribution by Alessandro Castiglioni


Mancamenti, 2024, rubber stamping on canvas board , each element 35x25cm 

Mancamenti #8, 2024, rubber stamping on canvas 20x15cm 


Mancamenti, 2024

28 black and white images digitally printed on 14 sheets 31.4 x 46.4 cm of Fedrigoni Arena rough ivory 120 gr paper, front and back, folded and collected in a white folder, same 300 gr paper, with embossed writing. The first 50 printed copies contain a multiple ink on paper.

Production: Deposito Solventi with Cambiaunavirgola editions. Graphics: Claudia Damiani and P. Polidori. Printing and layout: La Legatoria, Rome.

Artistic Gymnastics.  Breath (Olivia Op. 37 n.11), 2020, rubber stamping on plexiglass photo frame, two elements, each, 13X18 cm, ph. Luca Scarabelli

Artistic Gymnastics.  Il respiro di Alighiero e Boetti - Il respiro di Boetti e Alighiero, 2020-21, ballpoint pen on notebook paper, engraved plates, vegetal cardboard, frames, two elements, each 70x50 cm 

Artistic Gymnastics. I breathe my breath, 2020, poster La M edition  in a limited 10 copies, 70x100 cm

Artistic Gymnastics. Breath (Wanderer Clogs), 2019, Contemporary Attitude, Milan, video by Luca Scarabelli

Artistic Gymnastics. Disegnare il respiro (Indecidibile), 2021,  pencil on paper, 50x35 cm 

Artistic Gymnastics. Disegnare il respiro (Respiro leggero - Berna), 2020,  pencil  on tissue paper, 140x100 cm 

Artistic Gymnastics. I breathe my breath (Cela n'a pas d'importance), 2020,  acrylic and pencil on canvas, 60x40 cm

Artistic Gymnastics. I breathe my breath (Durata), 2020,  acrylic  on canvas, 60x40 cm

The book contain nine drawings of my breathing

La c. edizioni, June 2020, 20 pagg. limited edition of 30 numbered and signed copies



Artistic Gymnastics. Breath (Double soft), 2019, ink jet print on fabric, 200x150 cm, WALKABOUT 3, 2019,  Kunsthalle West, Lana (BZ), ph. Ermanno Cristini

Breath (Bachelors), (detail), 2014, rubber stamping on glass, aluminum frame, metal supports, 21X30 cm

Breath (Bachelors), 2014, rubber stamping on glass, aluminum frame, metal supports, 21X30 cm, ph. Ermanno Cristini

Breath /Ritmico dispersivo), 2019, rubber stamping on fabric slippers, four pairs, WALKABOUT 4, Tufano Studio, 2019, Milan, ph. Ermanno Cristini, 

Breath (Respirodunquesono), 2019,  rubber stamping on post-it, Kunsthalle KCH, Chiavari, ph. Giancarlo Norese

Breath (Szeemann), 2014, my breath on window glass, site specific. ROAMING RIPOSIZIONAMENTI, 2014, Fabbrica Rosa, ex Archivio Szeemann, Maggia, Locarno (CH)

still from video by Jacopo Rinaldi, with Giulia Polenta, Lidor Gilad e Francesco Pusterla

Breathing the Time Reenacted, 2021, from video by Jacopo Rinaldi, 2014

Breath (Duetto), 2013, rubber stamping on cups, 20X12X10 cm, ph. Ermanno Cristini

Breath (Groupmobile), 2015, rubbert stamp on glass, overhead projector, GROUPMOBILE, riss(e), Varese, 2015, ph. Luca Scarabelli

Breath (Respirodunquesono), 2018, rubber stamping on post-it , NOPLACE 3, Santo Stefano Magra, 2018, ph. Ermanno Cristini

Breath (Mirror), 2013, screen frames, 45X30 cm , DIALOGOS, 2013, CACT/MACT, Bellinzona (CH), ph. Ermanno Cristini

Breath (Bucharest), 2013, rubber stamping and holes on every sheet of a ream of paper, its cover, 21x30 cm , ROAMING. ON FILE, 2013, Platforma-MNAC Anexe, Bucharest (RO), ph. Alice Pedroletti